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Know Your Rights

Whatever challenges may arise, we remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that the Salinas Union High School District is a place where every individual is celebrated for their unique contributions. Our schools will continue to be safe havens where students can thrive, staff can lead with empathy and understanding, and where every student is supported to be able to graduate college, career, and life ready.
Know your rights forum 

Know your rights forum 

The 'Know Your Rights' Immigration Forum, in collaboration with the County of Monterey, is open to all: Workers, Students, Immigrants, and Allies. Speakers and resources include: Immigration Lawyers, the Mexican Consul General, Red Cards, and Individual Consultations. 
The forum will be held on February 12 at Alisal High School at 6:00 PM, with a Community Resource Fair beginning at 5:00 PM. 

More information in the flyers below: 

district resources 

district resources 


School Rights 

Know Your Rights: Navigating Interactions with ICE 

Safe Space Class Visuals



In the event you are approached by a federal officer requesting to speak to you regarding a student, colleague, or member of the community. stop and immediately call your school administrator. It is against the law to share student information. Do not sign anything, and do not accept any documents. School administrators have been trained to contact district administrators to determine if the district has the legal obligation to share information.

Webinar Resources 

County resources 

County resources 


Know Your Rights Tutorial Videos & Resources Page


List of Important Documents & Information


Prepare to Stay: Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness


Childcare Safety Plan 

red cards

red cards

All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.

Using your red card: 

It is recommended that you do not try to speak to an immigration agent if they try to speak to you. Do not open the door if there is an agent knocking at your door. Instead, give your red card to the agent without opening your door, either under the door or through the window. 

Red Card Download