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Local Control and accountability plan (LCAP) 

Local Control and accountability plan (LCAP) 

The LCAP is a three-year local school district plan and was developed in collaboration with parents, educators, and the community. The LCAP describes the goals, services, and expenditures that will support positive student outcomes and increase or improve services/programs for students that receive extra funding. Also, the LCAP must address the eight state priorities and local priorities.

The eight State Priorities are: 

  • Teachers of the school district are appropriately assigned
  • Implementation of the academic content and performance standards
  • Parental Involvement
  • Pupil achievement
  • Pupil engagement
  • School climate
  • Pupil access to and enrollment in a broad course of study
  • Pupil outcomes
local control funding formula (lcff) 

local control funding formula (lcff) 

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is hallmark legislation that fundamentally changed how all local educational agencies (LEAs) in the state are funded, how they are measured for results, and the services and supports they receive to allow all students to succeed to their greatest potential. Built on a need criterion, target base grants are distributed in certain target amounts with those amounts rising when the concentration of English learner (EL), low-income (LI), and foster youth (FY) grow.

Target Base Grant

The LCFF establishes uniform per-student base grants with different rates for different grade spans. These differences are intended to recognize the higher costs of education at the higher-grade levels.

Supplemental Grant

The LCFF acknowledges that English learner, low-income, and foster youth (EL/LI/FY) students have greater needs that require more resources to address. For each EL/LI/FY student, districts receive an additional 20% of the adjusted base rate per student.

Concentration Grant

On top of the supplemental grant, districts that have a high proportion (over 55%) of the EL/LI/FY students receive an additional 50% of the adjusted base rate per student for each student above 55% of enrollment.