Local/State Scholarships

- Salinas Valley Pride- FIVE $1,000 scholarships! Due May 31, 2021 Apply here
The Arts Council for Monterey County is providing arts scholarships for up to $2,500. Click here for application Due March 31, 2021 flier here. sample
- Alisal Union Teacher Association Scholarship click here
- LULAC scholarship app. Due March 31, 2021
- $1,000 Scholarship for Future Japanese Language & Culture Major at CSUMB click here to apply
- Attending Hartnell College? Apply for a number of scholarships at Hartnell. Click here
- KFC Reach Educational Grant $3,000 Due Date March 25, 2021 The REACH Educational Grant Program helps employees at participating KFC U.S. restaurants pursue their dreams of going to college. Employees of any age, any position, pursuing any degree can receive money to help them attend the accredited four-year or two-year college of their choice. The money can also be used at trade/vocational schools and for graduate study.
Boule Foundation Scholarship - $4,000 - 5 Awards (Deadline: March 29, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be graduating from high school in the spring of 2021 and entering college as freshmen in the fall. B) Be of African descent and possess a minimum cumulative GPA of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Enterprise Scholarship - $1,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: March 31, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be a high school student planning on attending full-time or part-time in the fall term at an accredited two-or four-year college, university, or trade/vocational school.
Beyond the Cure Ambassador Scholarship - $3,500 - 58 Awards (Deadline: March 31, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be accepted into a post-secondary school for the fall semester of upcoming academic year B) Be a childhood cancer survivor under the age of 25 and diagnosed before the age of 18 with cancer or a high grade or anaplastic brain tumor.
Young American Creative Patriotic Scholarship - $10,000 - 8 Awards (Deadline: March 31, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be in grades 9-12 by the March 31 deadline and enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States.
- University of the Aftermarket Foundation Scholarship - $10,000 - 80 Awards (Deadline: Mar. 31, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be a graduating high school senior planning to be a full-time student in one of the following disciplines: Automotive, Heavy Duty, or Collision Repair School. -
NDTA Scholarship Program - $1,000 - 10 Awards (Deadline: April 15, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be a high school or college student pursuing an education in logistics, transportation, or passenger travel. (B) Attend full time in Fall 2021
American Culinary Federation Scholarships - $2,500 - 10 Awards (Deadline: April 30, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be an exemplary student and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher. B) Be currently accepted to the institution with a culinary, pastry or food service-related major.
Code Wizards HQ Educational Scholarship - $2,500 - 1 Award (Deadline: May 1, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be a high school senior with at least a 3.5 GPA. B) Be planning to study in a STEM program.
Brower Youth Award - $3,000 - 6 Awards (Deadline: May 14, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be a youth environmental change leader living in North America. B) Be between the ages of 13 and 22.
PHCC Educational Foundation Scholarships - $2,500 - 56 Awards (Deadline: May 1, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be currently enrolled in or plan to enroll in a PHCC-approved plumbing or HVACR apprentice program.
African-American Journalism Scholarship - $1,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: May 11, 2021) To be eligible for the scholarship a student must: A) Be attending college or university no later than September of 2021. B) Be an African-American student planning on studying towards a career in journalism.
- Agriculture/Agribusiness Scholarships Click here
- California Women for Agriculture. Must have a 3.0 gpa, employed as farm laborer OR have at least one parent who has been employed as a farm laborer for 2 consecutive seasons. Deadline March 10, 2021 Application here
- California Strawberry Scholarship For HS seniors planning on enrolling full time in community college, university or trade school. Award range $200-$5,000 Parent/guardian must be currently employed in strawberry harvest plus last 2 consecutive seasons. (Applicants may also qualify if they are employed as a California strawberry fieldworker). Deadline Feb 15
- January-February Scholarships FastWeb click
- Union Plus Scholarship Due Jan 31 Current and retired members of participating unions, their spouses and their dependent children click here
- College Board Opportunity Scholarship click here
- Elk's Scholarship- Current seniors + U.S. Citizens application here
- Maya Cinema scholarship-Completed applications must be submitted to your local Maya Cinemas at Guest Services OR emailed to scholarships@mayacinemas.com with an email subject line: MEF Salinas- Last name, First name. Click here
- Burke Weber Memorial Scholarship: Up to $2, 000 for Salinas Valley High School Students pursuing a degree in Pharmacy or Agriculture Due April 19, 2019 Application
- Abott & Fenner Scholarship The A&F Scholarships ($1,000) are available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any accredited post secondary institution. June 12, 2021 deadline.
- Community Foundation for Monterey County: Monterey County students can use 1 application for 30 different scholarship opportunities.
- Yellow Brick Road Due April up to $2,500
- Ocean Mist Due April 1 Essay, 2 letters of reference. 7 ($1,000) Academic Scholarships
- B. Davis Scholarship Due: May 22 Available to Juniors and Seniors
- 2019-2020 Scholarship Guide- Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard Hundreds of Scholarships, Internships, Fellowships, and Other Opportunities by monthly deadline
- MALDEF Scholarship Resource Guide Guide by monthly deadline. Many scholarships do not inquire about immigration status.
- California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarship All California residents can apply. Applications available mid-March
- 2021 Immigrants Rising: Scholarships that don't require proof of U.S. citizenship or residency
- I can afford College State wide campaign on financial aid awareness at California's 113 community college systems
- Monterey Bay Career Connect
- Scholarship for student care-givers
- AES Engineering Due October 6
Janet Hedlund Scholarship (due 2/1/20)
Hartnell College Scholarship 2020-2021
Eligibility for Hartnell College Scholarships:
Before applying, students will need to know:
- His/her Hartnell Student ID number and PAWS password to log-in to the online application. (An admissions application to Hartnell College must be submitted before applying for scholarships.)
- The full name and preferred email address of the person from whom he/she will be requesting a letter of recommendation.
To apply for Hartnell Scholarships, applicants will need to log-in to the online application system: hartnell.academicworks.com/users/sign_in
3M Scholarship Essay
Two Monterey County seniors will be eligible for a $3,500 College Scholarship. Essay must be submitted by Sunday December 8, 2019. Click here
Irene Agosta Memorial Award
This award is for Outstanding Achievement in Rights for Union Women Nominations must be received by Midnight on Monday, June 3, 2019
Chispa Scholarship
For CSUMB and/or Hartnell College
SVPC Scholarship Due May
Salinas Valley Pride Celebration Scholarship- two scholarships for $400 Deadline May link to application
California Association of Collectors
The scholarship requires a simple one-page application and an essay on "The Importance of Establishing and Maintaining Good Financial Credit During Your College Years". The scholarship is available to any California high school junior or senior for their use at any accredited college, university, or trade school. cacesf.org
Future Citizens Foundation (Pay it Forward)
Through private funds, the Pay It Forward Scholarship and Mentoring Program provides a four-year scholarship at California State University, Monterey Bay, to local Monterey County students who are first-generation college students. Deadline December 2020
Available: Students are eligible for an award of up to $20,000.
1. High school senior or high school graduate. (If a graduate, must have completed high school within the last two years.)
2. Legal resident of the United States with a minimum of five years of residency in Monterey County prior to making application for the scholarship
3. Fulfill all CSUMB entrance requirements
4. First generation to go to college
The selection process is as follows:
1. An adult nominates one or more recommended students who meet the scholarship criteria; and
2. Nominations received, are reviewed by our Scholarship Committee to determine who of the nominees are to be invited to apply; and
3. Applications received, are reviewed by the same Committee to determine who of the applicants will be invited for an interview; and
1. An adult nominates one or more recommended students who meet the scholarship criteria; and
2. Nominations received, are reviewed by our Scholarship Committee to determine who of the nominees are to be invited to apply; and
3. Applications received, are reviewed by the same Committee to determine who of the applicants will be invited for an interview; and
4. Interviews are scheduled over 4 consecutive days during which time the Scholarship Committee conducts interviews; and
5. Applicants are notified within 10 days of interview completion.
Recipient Obligation:
- Scholarship recipients mentor a participant of The First Tee of Monterey County for a minimum of 5 hours.
- Students must maintain a 2.5 gpa
See your counselor to be nominated.