Wellness Centers
SUHSD Wellness Centers
SUHSD Wellness Centers
SUHSD Wellness Centers
Guided by educational equity and through innovation, discovery, and support, we work to meet the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs of each student to ensure achievement of their aspirations across all our campuses across the Salinas Union High School District.
Our Approach
Our supports are provided in three tiers. Tier 1 supports all students district and school wide. Tier 2 is aimed at targeted groups. Tier 3 is individualized care often rooted in crisis response and management. Through site based referrals supports range from group treatment to individualized care for those in critical need.
Tier 1 District Wide Resources:
- Positive Behavioral Interventions Supports (PBIS)
- Anti-Bullying Curriculum
- Wellness Wednesdays
- Classroom Mental Health Presentations
- Restorative Justice Facilitators
- Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Team
- School Climate & Activities
- Tutoring Programs & Academic Enrichment
- Site Counselor Support
Tier 2 Group Supports & Interventions (varies by site)
- Girasol
- Joven Noble
- Grief Support
- Anxiety & Coping Support
- Attendance Recovery
- Categorical Group Therapy Sessions
- Check In Check Out
- Healthy Relationship Groups
- Restorative Circles
- Behavior Plans
- Stress Management
Tier 3 District Wide Individualized Support Options:
- Student Safety Plans
- Crisis Response
- Threat Assessments
- Individual Case Management
wellness center community partners
wellness center community partners
wellness center community partners
Community Human Services:
Drug Resource Counselors provide drug and alcohol prevention education and counseling in both group and individualized settings.
Harmony at Home:
Counseling services are delivered under the Sticks and Stones model, and are provided by staff with a Master’s level education in therapy, counseling, social work, or psychology, or currently in a program in those fields. Additional staff with a Bachelor’s Degree provides Anti-Bullying support, education, and campus wide resources.
Monterey County Behavioral Health:
Three clinicians provide critical care for the most severe and high risk students across the district.
School Counselors:
In addition to specialized mental health care and social emotional staff, our certificated school site counselors are active members of school based care teams. From supporting triage to academic and social emotional resources, our counseling teams support our students and teams across tiers.
suhsd wellness center staff
suhsd wellness center staff
suhsd wellness center staff
School Social Workers (SSW):
SSWs have earned their Master’s in Social Work, and some members of the team come licensed after years of clinical experience in the field. They provide assessments and a variety of mental health care supports from direct case management to crisis response and triaging care. They facilitate groups and provide educational opportunities for students and staff regarding mental health and wellness.
Intervention Specialists (IS):
Our IS team members are certificated
educators whose expertise lies in providing both guided academic and behavioral intervention supports. The IS team ranges from veteran classroom educators with multi subject credentials, to trained counselors with a PPS who can help students improve their academic performance with social emotional supports surrounding their improvement plans.
Restorative Justice Facilitators (RJs):
Restorative practices are a mindset about building relationships, seeing and treating everyone as fully human, and creating an environment in which everyone can feel safe, respected, and have a sense of belonging and interdependence. The team supports all Tiers of service, alternatives to suspension, reentry support, and group restorative tools.
PBIS Clerk and PBIS Teams:
Each site supports Positive Behavioral Interventions Supports (PBIS) in tiered teams. The tiered team groups meet to review referrals and support the implementation of interventions and behavior support plans/contracts.