Home Hospital Instruction
Home Hospital Instruction (HHI)
Home Hospital Instruction (HHI)
Home Hospital Instruction (HHI)
HHI Eligibility
A student with a temporary disability that makes school attendance impossible or inadvisable shall receive individual instruction in the student's home or in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding state hospitals. This instruction applies to students incurring a physical, mental or emotional disability after which they can reasonably be expected to return to regular day classes or an alternative education program without special intervention. It does not apply to students identified as individuals with exceptional needs pursuant to Education Code 56026. (Education Code 48206.3)
A temporary disability means a physical, mental, or emotional disability. A temporary disability does not include a disability that would qualify a student for special education pursuant to Education Code 56026.
Determination of Eligibility
No later than 5 working days after receiving notification from a parent/guardian that a student has a temporary disability, the Superintendent or designee shall determine whether the student will be able to receive individual instruction at home or in a hospital or in a residential health facility. Notification is defined as a completed and signed SUHSD HHI Application. Each application is reviewed by the SUHSD Registered Nursing Team.